Europe : Travel to the heart of tales and mysteries

Europe : Travel to the heart of tales and mysteries

Tuesday, 01 October 2024

This Halloween, explore Europe from a new angle, where the luxury of prestigious hotels blends with captivating tales from the past. From Paris to Venice, from Méribel to Lisbon, these destinations don't just offer you a luxurious escape : they plunge you into the heart of fascinating legends. 

  1. Le Coucou Méribel - The ghosts of the Resistance fighters

Méribel, beyond its renowned ski slopes, was a strategic point during the Second World War. The mountains of the Tarentaise valley were home to groups of resistance fighters. The maquisards hid in the woods and mountain refuges, carrying out clandestine actions to protect the region. 

According to local sources, walkers and mountaineers sometimes claim to hear whispers in the wind or see furtive silhouettes in the forests near the former Resistance campsites. These manifestations are perceived as spirits of fallen soldiers, still haunting the mountains that witnessed their bravery. 

  1. Le Grand Mazarin Paris - The Marais and its historic spooks

Le Grand Mazarin, located in the Marais district, is steeped in stories that are still told in the cobblestone streets. The hotel is close to the Hôtel de Sens, famous for having been the scene of a bloody event : the murder of Gabriel de Montgomery in 1574, the man who accidentally killed King Henri II of France during a tournament. After this tragic incident, Montgomery lived in hiding in the Marais before being captured and executed. 

Since then, locals and visitors alike claim that Montgomery's ghost still haunts the area, seeking forgiveness for his unintentional actions. Some say they feel a strange presence near the old walls, or glimpse a dark silhouette on street corners, like a perpetual reminder of this tragic deed. 

  1. Londra Palace Venice - The legend of Palazzo Dario : A Venetian curse

Just a stone's throw from Londra Palace is Palazzo Dario, one of Venice's most fascinating buildings, known as “the house that kills”. This sumptuous palace overlooking the Grand Canal has a reputation for bringing misfortune to its owners : since the 15th century, many of its occupants have suffered tragic fates, ranging from sudden bankruptcies to mysterious deaths. 

The building has become a symbol of doom in Venice, and the stories of those who have lived there continue to fuel the conversations of Venetians. Visitors to Londra Palace enjoy observing the palace from the terrace, fascinated by its dark history, while reveling in the security and comfort of their own hotel. 

  1. Abi d'Oru, Sardinia - The Witch of Capo Figari and the Cursed Winds

Abi d'Oru, located on the beautiful beaches of Sardinia, is not far from Capo Figari, a place surrounded by mysterious tales. According to local legend, this rocky promontory was the lair of a feared witch, the “Janas di Capo Figari”. She was said to command the winds, using her magic to provoke sudden storms and divert ships. 

Sailors and fishermen feared to sail near these shores, convinced that the capricious winds were not simply a whim of nature, but the work of the witch. To this day, locals still recount that, on windy nights, her incantations can still be heard carried on the wind, reminding us of her invisible but ever-threatening presence. 

  1. Palacio Ludovice, Lisbon - The ghost of Sebastião, the lost king

The Palacio Ludovice stands in the heart of Lisbon, a city steeped in historical mysteries, and no tale is as enigmatic as that of King Sebastião I, also known as “the lost king”. In 1578, the young king went on a crusade against the Moors in Morocco and disappeared during the battle of Ksar El-Kébir, leaving Portugal without a sovereign and triggering a dynastic crisis. 

The Portuguese believed in his miraculous return to save the nation, a hope that gave rise to “Sebastianism”, a popular belief that the king would return on a foggy day to restore Portugal's greatness. To this day, some claim to have seen the shadow of a horseman in the foggy streets of Lisbon, perpetuating the legend of a king who never really left his homeland. 

These destinations combine luxury, history and authentic legends, offering a unique experience where each gem becomes the starting point for an exploration rich in fascinating tales. Whether you're a lover of historical mysteries or curious about centuries-old traditions, these stays promise a journey as enriching as it is spellbinding. 

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